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Samtrygg’s Swedish to English rental dictionary
Looking for an apartment to rent in Sweden? Is it difficult to keep up with all Swedish words? What does “andrahand” mean or “Hyresnämnden”? Be calm! We at Samtrygg have summarized some of the most usefull words in a dictionary of Swedish to English – that will help you in the search for your next home!
Andrahands(uthyrning) – Subletting “second-hand leasing”
Subletting is a great way to help tenants find accommodations in bigger cities. Just make sure that you are permitted to sublet. You are required to notify your landlord if you want to sublet.
Second-hand leasing is also a good way to move to a new city for a period. Make sure that you have a good contract and dialog with the landlord or take help with Samtrygg.se and we will make sure that everything goes smooth and simple.
Autogiro – Autogiro
Autogiro means that companies can automatically deduct the sum of purchased products/service from the customer’s account. Samtrygg uses autogiro as a safe and easy way to collect invoices.
Besiktning – Inspection
A home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of the condition of a home, often in connection with the sale or subletting of the accomodation. Samtrygg always helps tenants and Landlords with the inspection before moving.
Bostadsrätt – Condominium
A condominium (bostadsrätt) can be a house, a flat, or a link house. Owning a bostadsrätt means owning the right to live and own a share of the housing cooperative (bostadsrättsförening) that owns the whole of the building. All members pay a fee to the cooperative every month. The fee is used to pay for maintenance of the building and shared areas. Condominium apartments are usually bought by private individuals but also by companies.
Bostadsrättsförening – Housing cooperative
A housing cooperative is an association of persons, an organized group of members who hold tenancy rights usually at condominiums erected on a property they own together.
Deposition – Deposit
The deposit is provided as security for the landlord if the tenant injures or has broken interiors. The recommendation is that a possible deposit does not exceed a monthly rent and that it is paid in connection with the signing of the lease. It should then be stated in the contract.
Samtrygg does not take a deposit as long as you as a housing applicant are credit-friendly. This means that we do a credit check before the contract is signed. If you fail the credit check, you as a housing applicant can choose to either pay a deposit or specify a guarantor.
Hyresrätt – Tenancy apartment
You can lease a flat from a municipal housing company or a private landlord. You and the landlord/housing company sign a lease.
Hyresgäst – Tenant
The hyresgäst is the one renting the apartment. It could be you!
Hyresgästförening – Swedish Union of Tenants
The Tenants Association is a member organization and an interest organization for tenants in Sweden. The Tenants Association offers legal assistance in matters of changing tenancy conditions and repaying unreasonable rent for its members. Read more here: Hyresgästföreningen
Hyresvärd – Landlord / Leaseholder
A landlord is a private person or a company that rents out a local or residential apartment, in Sweden most often a tenant. This could also be you!
Inventarielista – Inventory list
An Inventory list is what is included in your household – it can be a table, sofa or bed, etc. When you move back, you use the inventory list to double-check that everything is left and nothing is broken.
Mobilt bankID – Mobile BankID
BankID is a digital identification that you use to prove your identity when you are on the Internet, at the bank, at Försäkringskassan or CSN. BankID is Sweden’s largest e-credential by far and is issued by 12 banks in collaboration. Mobile bank ID is used at Samtrygg for signing contracts digitally.
Rum och kök (Rok) – “Number of rooms + kitchen”
RoK, “rum och kök”. Kök is “kitchen” and rum is the number of rooms.
- Kv stands for “kokvrå” which is a small kitchen.
- 3 RoK is an apartment with 3 rooms and a kitchen.
- 1 RoK = studio apartment
Villa/Hus – House
Villa or Hus is a detached residential house, intended for a household, as well as associated plot.
Tillträde – Access date
The day you have access to your new home.
Uppsägningstid – Period of notice
For tenancy apartments
You have three months´notice of termination of a long-term contract. The notice period is counted throughout the calendar months. The month you cancel the contract is therefore not counted. If you cancel the apartment on July 15, your notice period will be August, September, and October.
Tenants of an owner-occupied home have a long-term contract there must be a three months’ notice period for the landlord and one month for the tenant.
If you have agreed on something else, it is for the benefit of the tenant. For example, if there is a three-month notice period in the agreement, only one month applies to the tenant, but the landlord has three months.
A quick and safe way to find a home is to search through Samtrygg. With a free profile as a housing applicant at Samtrygg, you can book impressions among hundreds of properties that are available right now and you will also get info when new homes that are right for you become available – first of all. New ads are published every day so this can maximize your chances. Take the first step and create an art-free profile as a homeowner today!